Episode: 78

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The 7 Things I Wish I Had Done When I Started Online Personal Training First!

Today on the podcast:

Welcome to the new monthly format of the podcast.  

Today’s episode is for anyone who has recently moved or currently has their business online. These are the main things I wish I had done when I moved online initially. 

  1. Testing my pricing faster. 04:25
  2. Got a coach mentor or read more books on improving my knowledge. 12:17
  3. Understand the difference between lots of leads and pre-qualified leads. 19:49
  4. Set up a podcast and join all the social media platforms immediately! 28:14
  5. Put a 50/50 focus on my service and marketing 35:34
  6. Go through a successful online PT and take the best ideas and make it my own. 40:34
  7. Test test test and ABT (always be testing) 46:00

Other podcast that are mentioned today: 

Pricing: http://bkf-nextjs.test/business-podcast/20-how-to-get-your-pricing-right/

Mentally Masturbating http://bkf-nextjs.test/business-podcast/42-are-you-mentally-masturbating-with-books-podcasts-or-seminars/

Sign up to my online course today! 

Brian Keane Fitness Podcast

Brian is a qualified personal trainer, sports nutritionist and strength and conditioning coach.

He is the best selling author of the book The Fitness Mindset and currently travels the world as a professional speaker. He also hosts the #1 podcast The Brian Keane Podcast.

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The Fitness Mindset BookRewire your Mindset Book