Episode: 22
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
This came in from one of my business seminar questionnaires on the question ‘what’s your biggest struggle right now’.
If you’ve ever struggled with starting something new or had the fear about posting a particular piece of content on social media, then check out today’s episode.
On top of talking about getting over the fear of trying something new in your business, I also talk about the fear of kissing a boy or girl for the first time, my love/hate relationship with bodybuilding and bikini competition (and how it helped me with my business), tactics for getting over the fear of posting on social media and how ‘I don’t know what content to create’ is absolutely horse sh*t!
I try to focus on the mindset/tactics in equal parts in today’s episode so I hope it helps.
Rewire Your Mindset Seminar:
Full Day Business Seminar: