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  • t

    How To Build Social Media For Your Fitness Business

    Last week- I had my monthly Skype calls with everyone coming through my mentorship program and this is something that came up with several of them and as it’s really fresh in my head, I wanted to put it as today’s blog post in the hopes that it helps anyone out there who runs their…

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    Four Summer Fitness Tips That You’re Probably Not Doing!

    It’s that time of year where lots of us are looking at booking holidays, getaways or just planning the dates for weddings/festivals and events that come around over the summer months. Regardless of whether you want to look great in a bikini or tight t-shirt or leaner in a dress or a suit, hopefully today’s…

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    Three Lies You’ve Probably Told Yourself That Are Holding You Back!

    (10 Minute Read) To be honest, every year that passes I realize more and more about how everything we hear is an opinion and everything we see is a perspective; yet I see people letting their lives be dictated by believing the world is a certain way because that’s what they’ve been brought up to…

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    Three Questions Every Personal Trainer Should Ask Themselves!

    If you’re internal dialogue regularly consists of ‘how can I make more money?’ or ‘how can I get more clients?’ or even ‘how can I work less, I’m exhausted?’ (a common problem amongst personal trainers), them I’m going to challenge you to substitute these questions instead. Personally, I come back these time and time again…

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    5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Struggle With How You Look

    I got a question in my Instagram DM’s this morning from a girl who’s suffered from various eating disorders and her body image in general. Before I continue, I am not an expert in this area nor claim to have any special insight outside of what I’ve experienced personally or have witnessed in other people.

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    4 Tips For Running A Successful Personal Training Business

    After talking to a few personal trainers about my new mastermind starting next month, this was top of mind today- so I hope it helps any personal trainers out there that are looking to move their business to the next level. These are just a few tips I wish I could go back and tell…

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    Lose Weight, Be More Productive and Get Smarter with a Morning Routine

    This morning was one of those days where I really didn’t want to get out of bed. If you’re not a morning person, the sound of the alarm feels like satin’s bells ringing in your ears. Like most non-morning people, i.e. you need about an hour and two cups of coffee to get going; I’ve…

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    How To Manage Stress (My Three Hacks)

    Regardless or whether you’re the top performer in your field or working two jobs to put enough food on the table (its relative), every one of us has to deal with stress in some way, shape or form. As it shows up so differently for each person, I guess the best question to open with…

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    Is Mind Muscle Connection the Secret to Losing Fat and Building Muscle Faster?

    What if I told you there was one type of training style that would speed up your body’s ability to burn fat or build muscle like no other, would you want to hear it? There are so many amazing styles of training: strength, hypertrophy, HIIT, LISS- the list goes on; most work great and as…

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  • k

    How To Kick Your Cold When The Weather Is Crap!

    I think this week has to be one of those weeks where it feels like everyone is getting sick. For the past four days, my chest felt like it had been hit by a sledgehammer and my nose was running faster than an Olympic sprinter. I got a lot of messages during my snap Q+A…

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