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  • h

    How To Design Your Own Diet Plan!

    This week’s video talked about creating your own training program. The next logical question is, can I do the same for diet? The answer, of course, is yes. Lets get to it. Calories calculated.. check.Macro nutrients in balance.. check.Training program created.. check..Supplements that ‘supplement’ what I’m missing in my diet.. check.Okay, now we’re ready to…

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  • d

    Do THIS before you press the ‘F*ck It’ button!

    Some of us do it in the kitchen. Some of us do it at work. Some of us do it in the bedroom; but we’ve all done it. Bang! You slam down on the Fuck it button. I’ve eating badly today- Bang! f*ck it, I’ll get back on track on Monday. I haven’t trained in…

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  • 4

    4 Reasons It Might Be Time To Quit Your Job

    As I mentioned in yesterday’s video, this isn’t a black and white ‘quit vs don’t quit’ argument; but here are some of things that allowed me to make the jump from working full time as a teacher to setting up my own fitness business in 2014. 1: You dread every Monday morning. As I mentioned…

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  • t

    Three Ways To Track Body Fat

    If you watched yesterday’s YouTube video on losing weight vs losing body fat, the next logical question is ‘how should I track my body fat’? As I mentioned in the video, tracking weight isn’t necessarily a bad thing; but if body composition or how you look is your primary goal, then your tracking method should…

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  • h

    How To Not Fall Off The Bandwagon On Holiday!

    The sun will be shining, the sangria will be flowing and you are finally getting away for that long awaited sun holiday. You have trained intensely for the last few months and/or tightened up your diet over the last few weeks so that you fit into that new bikini or feel confident walking around shirtless…

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  • l

    Leads, Conversions, Service, Testimonies and Repeat!

    This Is How You Build Your Business. Where are you customers coming from? How many that enquire are actually signing up with you? How many love your service? How many recommend your service to others? If you can answer those four questions, then you will be able to grow any business from this point forward.

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    Summer Fat Loss Tips (7 You May Not Have Thought About)

    It’s that time of year where again where holidays, festivals and events are coming around thick and fast and its more than likely that one of your goals is probably to look your best for some date in the near future. Dresses, shorts and t-shirts all tend to put a lot of skin on show…

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  • t

    The Best Supplements For GAA Players!

    Is your goal to get bigger? Add more muscle? Lose body fat faster? Improve recovery? Get a more restful sleep? Aid your digestion? Boost your testosterone? Elevate your mood? These are just some of the goals that certain supplements can support. However, supplements can be an absolute minefield and the topic confused me so much…

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  • h

    How To Build Muscle and Get Faster For GAA!

    Do you want to build muscle or do you want to get faster? These were always the two options given to me when I playing football and first joined a gym over 15 years ago. For years, I thought you had to pick between the two. To get faster, you need to do mostly strength…

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  • c

    Carb Cycling 101 And Sample HIIT Workout For GAA Players

    If you’re looking for the secret of how to lose body fat faster, gain muscle quicker and not only improve your performance on the pitch, but fuel yourself to last longer and go harder than ever before, then look no further than carb cycling. True, your overall nutrition is the most important factor and you…

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