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  • e

    Everything you need to do in your GAA off season

    HOW TO GET CLEAR ON YOUR PHYSIQUE GOALS FOR YOUR GAA OFF SEASON! Its coming into the short, dark evenings of winter; and unless you are fortunate enough to be contesting the All Ireland series, your football, ladies’ football, hurling or camogie championship season has finished and you are just rounding off the last few…

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  • t

    This is why fat burners will f***k you up

    I sit down and write every morning for about two hours; normally I have a good idea of what message I want to get across or topic I want to cover but today was one of those days where this topic was burning in my head so I put finger to keyboard in the hopes…

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  • i

    Is stress giving you stubborn body fat?

    Have you cut all processed and fast food, train and eat relatively well and still can’t get rid of your stubborn body fat? There might be more to it than you think. This is something that has come up with three of my girls in my online program (this post applies to guys too, it’s…

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  • e

    Eat more fat, lose more fat: the best of both worlds

    Have you ever heard of the ‘Mediterranean Paradox’ – how people living near the Mediterranean eat more fat but generally have leaner bodies, better health and live longer? An entire olive oil ad campaign was built around this principle not too long ago. Have you ever asked yourself why? Why do these people have leaner…

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  • h

    How to fix Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

    Yesterday I talked about finding the ‘triggers’ for your IBS and before I get into the recovery strategies that I used; it’s worth noting any emotional cost that IBS has left you with; thinking about these emotional costs and tying enough pain to them can make cutting bread or processed food seem very easy in…

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  • a

    Is IBS ruining your life?

    Even though so many people have IBS, many won’t even mention it other people: their friends, family or even their doctors. The reason is partly embarrassment and partly a perception that nobody can help. People with IBS (myself included) often remark that our gut is just having an ‘off day’ and that it will settle…

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  • h

    How balancing blood sugar levels can get rid of your cravings

    One of the primary nutrition strategies in my online programs is keeping blood sugars stable throughout the day so that you have less physical cravings, hormones stay in balance (meaning less mental or emotional cravings) and energy levels are constant (meaning you’re having a cup of coffee at 1pm because you want it not because…

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  • w

    Will fruit make me fat?

    Depending on who you talk to, the answers can range from ‘fruit will make you fat’ to ‘we’re evolved to eat fruit, you should only eat fruit!’ so whats the answer? Is fruit going to support you in a healthier, fitter, leaner you or is the thing thats been holding you back in getting in…

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  • c

    Control insulin, lose fat and build muscle.. Simple

    This is a follow on from yesterday’s post so i’d have a read of that first for full context, I hope it helps 😀 INSULIN HAS ONLY ONE REAL JOB: Similar to the handy man who can fix everything around the house but still has his regular 9-5 ‘real job’, insulin is similar in that…

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  • m

    Manage your insulin levels, lose more fat

    Insulin is the most misunderstood hormones and probably the most controversial one. Due to increased popularity of current low carb diets, there is an ever-growing number or people with ‘carb phobia’ who view insulin as a hormone that promotes fat gain and disease. It is human nature to label things good or bad and nothing…

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